Yet Another Arch Yrapper

This script provides convenient wrapper functions for the yay package manager on Arch-based systems. The ‘yaay’ function offers shortcuts for updating the system, searching for packages, and listing various package information. It also includes Flatpak updates and firmware updates. The ‘yeet’ function simplifies package removal, including an option to remove orphaned packages. These wrappers streamline common package management tasks, making system maintenance more efficient for users.

# Wrapper for yay with convenient shortcuts
function yaay() {
    if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
        yay --noconfirm
        flatpak update -y
        fwupdmgr refresh
        fwupdmgr update
    elif [[ $1 == "find" ]]; then
        yay -Ss "${@:2}"
    elif [[ $1 == "list" ]]; then
        case $2 in
            aur)  # List AUR installed packages
                pacman -Qm
            updates)  # List updatable packages
                paru -Qua  && checkupdates
            installed)  # List all installed packages
                pacman -Q
            explicit)  # List explicitly installed packages (not as dependencies)
                pacman -Qe
            recent)  # List recently installed packages
                expac --timefmt='%Y-%m-%d %T' '%l\t%n' | sort | tail -n 30
            large)  # List installed packages by size
                expac -H M '%-30n %m' | sort -h -k 2 | tail
            *)  # Default case to help with usage
                echo "Usage: yaay list [updates|installed|explicit|aur|recent|large]"
                return 1
        yay -S "$@"

# Wrapper for removing packages with yay
function yeet() {
    if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
        echo "Usage: yeet [pkgname|orphans]"
        return 1
    elif [[ $1 == "orphans" ]]; then
        # Find orphaned packages
        local orphans=$(sudo pacman -Qtdq)
        if [[ -z $orphans ]]; then
            echo "No orphans. Wait for abandonment."
            return 0
            # Remove orphaned packages
            echo "$orphans" | sudo pacman -Rns -
        yay -Rns "$@"