
A Decentralized File Synchronization Tool

Syncthing is an open-source, peer-to-peer file synchronization application that allows users to keep files and folders synchronized across multiple devices. Unlike traditional cloud-based synchronization services, Syncthing operates on a decentralized model, eliminating the need for a central server or third-party storage provider. This article will explore the key features, architecture, and usage of Syncthing.

Key Features

  1. Decentralized Architecture: Syncthing uses a peer-to-peer network to synchronize files directly between devices, without relying on a central server.

  2. End-to-End Encryption: All data transferred between devices is encrypted, ensuring the privacy and security of user files.

  3. Open-Source: The entire Syncthing codebase is available on GitHub, allowing for community contributions and audits.

  4. Cross-Platform Support: Syncthing runs on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and more.

  5. Versioning: The software keeps multiple versions of files, allowing users to recover from accidental changes or deletions.

  6. Selective Sync: Users can choose which folders to sync on each device, providing flexibility in managing storage space.


Syncthing uses a block-based synchronization protocol. When a file is modified, it is divided into blocks, and only the changed blocks are transferred between devices. This approach minimizes data transfer and improves synchronization speed.

The software employs a discovery mechanism to locate other devices on the network. It uses both local discovery (on the same LAN) and global discovery (over the internet) to find and connect to other Syncthing instances.

Each device in a Syncthing network is identified by a unique device ID, which is derived from its public key. Devices must be explicitly added and approved by the user before they can sync files, enhancing security.

Usage and Setup

To use Syncthing, users need to install the application on each device they want to synchronize. The setup process involves the following steps:

  1. Installation: Download and install Syncthing from the official website or package manager.

  2. Initial Configuration: Upon first run, Syncthing generates a device ID and creates a default folder for synchronization.

  3. Adding Devices: To connect devices, users exchange and add each other’s device IDs.

  4. Creating Shared Folders: Users can create new folders to sync or share existing ones with connected devices.

  5. Configuring Sync Settings: For each shared folder, users can set options like versioning, ignore patterns, and permissions.

Once set up, Syncthing runs in the background, continuously monitoring shared folders for changes and synchronizing them across devices.

Advanced Features

Syncthing offers several advanced features for power users:

  1. Ignore Patterns: Users can specify file patterns to exclude from synchronization using .stignore files.

  2. File Versioning: Multiple versioning methods are available, including simple versioning, staggered versioning, and external versioning scripts.

  3. Conflict Resolution: When conflicting changes occur, Syncthing creates conflict copies, allowing users to manually resolve differences.

  4. Web GUI: Syncthing provides a web-based interface for easy management and monitoring of synchronization status.

  5. API: A REST API is available for integrating Syncthing with other applications or scripts.

  6. Adjusting Network Settings: By default, Syncthing’s web GUI listens on (localhost). If you want to access the web interface from another device on your network, you need to change the listen address to This can be done by modifying the configuration file or through the advanced settings in the web GUI.

Security Considerations

While Syncthing is designed with security in mind, users should be aware of certain considerations:

  1. Device Authentication: Users must manually verify device IDs to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

  2. Access Control: Syncthing does not provide user-level access control, so all connected devices have full access to shared folders.

  3. Network Exposure: The Syncthing GUI should be properly secured if exposed to the internet.

Performance and Resource Usage

Syncthing’s performance depends on various factors, including the number of files, file sizes, network conditions, and device capabilities. The application is generally lightweight, but CPU and memory usage can increase during initial synchronization or when handling large numbers of files.

To optimize performance, users can adjust settings such as scan intervals, number of concurrent connections, and resource usage limits.


Syncthing offers a powerful, flexible, and secure solution for file synchronization across multiple devices. Its decentralized architecture and open-source nature make it an attractive alternative to traditional cloud-based services, especially for users concerned about privacy and data ownership.

While it may require more initial setup compared to some commercial solutions, Syncthing provides greater control over data synchronization and storage. As with any synchronization tool, users should maintain regular backups and be mindful of security practices to ensure the safety of their data.